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Tengo un problema cuando intento iniciar el juego, me aparece un error que dice: Error 5899: Missing or corrupted metadata file [-1]!!!!'" como lo resuelvo 

i cant play this game

its hard to play with one hand

exe contains a virus

how does it contain a virus? i installed it again and i dont have any viruses

if u say that it shows "this file contain a virus" its ok you can install it it doesent have virus

kaspersky detects virus in the exe file




Thank you ❤️


can you send me a rar of the non modded one? been searching for a download lol but nice mod tho

You want the Counter Strike original without mod?

It always shows Me Bad File Sprite, so I can't join a server.


Im sorry for you Trouble i will fix this as soon as posible you cant join all servers for now

The Counter strike.exe file to download its not working download the Rar